I'm 8 pages into my GN. 8 detailed, pages. Yesterday I drew three pages in a period of a few hours. How's that for crazy! And today I drew a really detailed, difficult page. Of course, page 9 is going to be INSANELY hard. I'm kind of afraid of it. But I'll start it tonight. Line work first.
So I'm doing the project in pencil. I shade the pages and get the lines I want, and then scan them into the computer for tweaking.
Wow, 8 pages. That feels like so much... And yet, there is SO much left to go. And just in the first chapter alone, there are something like 50+ pages. AHHHH!!!
There's a snapshot of how my bed looks while I work. And some of the work itself, in unfinished form.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
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