Thursday, May 24, 2007


No art today. Not that I can think of. Sorries.

So, recently, despite the heavy increase in my life's projects, I have been working hard to get started on my first comic. It's stressful, but very exciting! :) I've been drawing non-stop for weeks. I get together with Gwen for an an hour twice a week and we look at the drawings. But we're trying to set whole days aside to work it all out. Tough, but very fun!

Hopefully, it'll get started within the month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I might be taking 3 classes this summer...It'll start out that way, anyway. Haha, so I'll be on campus tuesday through thursday. Saturday is still lookin really good as a day we can get together.

In other news, not only will I be making a new blog (as I've abandoned most of my other ones), I'm also working on a website to host said blog and also to host my video blogs. =D You are more than welcome to team up with me if you'd like to start working on site design for the comic. I have a REALLY simple web design program that works on Macs. I'll show it to you sometime. Anyway...I'll stop writing a novel on your blog. Haha!

<3 Gwendolyn