Saturday, June 04, 2011

Strung Out, starting the engine

Since I'm basically graduated (one fluke of a class to take), I'm on the hunt for a real life job. And between hunting, I'm putting together Strung Out stuff, starting with the website.

So far, it looks pretty good. It even has stuff in the 'about' section. I'm trying to decide to what to put elsewhere, but I figure that'll come together with time.

I'm going to start drawing Strung Out when I clean out my room. It's unbearably cluttered, with junk crowding my walls and spilling on my floor (literally, metaphorically, and figuratively). I'm going to clean it out, put everything away, and clean off my desk. I'm also going to start making use of my lap desk (less a lap desk, more a large-foot-breakingly-heavy-flat-thing-with-a-handle). 

The fact is, though, I could easily make an excuse to put off Strung Out more and say, "Well, there's no space to work. I'll start it when I have work space, which will be when I eventually get my own place." But let's be honest, when will that happen? WHO KNOWS. And I am miserable not drawing comics. 

So there we go. My two goals are to find a job and start Strung Out. ASAP.

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