I drew this today. I was listening to
Don't Cry Out and
Chemistry of a Car Crash by Shiny Toy Guns and, as usual, a story popped into my head and this is the girl from the story. She has no name. It was more like a music video. Chemistry of a Car Crash would have been first in the story, followed by Don't Cry Out. She's totally a punk rock chick. With attitude and sarcasm oozing from every orifice. Way cool.
She gets egged during a party being held at his house, so she assumes it was him and actually massacre's his car with spray paint and eggs. They have a massive blow out of an argument in the parking lot. They end up in the principles office who insists they go to the counselor to work it all out and they learn some unfortunate things about each other and become something of friends. More like, they tolerate one another. End of Chemistry of a Car Crash!
Then he catches her staring during class and she freaks out. He kisses her in the corridor in school, when no one is around. But the next day at school he doesn't notice her at all and flirts with tons of other girls. She ends up flirting with a good friend of his and he sees her, gets angry and storms over there. He yells at his friend and pulls her away. They have an argument where she accuses him of being ashamed to admit to everyone he likes her. When he says nothing, she turns to leave. But he grabs her and, in front of everyone, kisses her passionately. End of Don't Cry Out.
And then I drew her out.
Gwen, a girl from my English class, thinks we should start a webcomic together. She'd help with the writing and editing my tangents and I'd do the drawing. I kind of hope we do it. ^_^