Wednesday, December 09, 2009


Half of the reason I want to be a graphic novelist is because I love to write. I always have a few stories I'm working on, and recently I've been so inspired, it's ridiculous!

As of today I have 15 stories sitting on the back burner, waiting for me to finish my current piece. I have them arranged by the format I wish to convey them: novel or graphic novel. Of the 16, 6 are GN ideas, 3 are novel ideas, and 6 could go either way.

I categorize them based on how descriptively detailed they are. If they have a lot of detail and description required, I go with Graphic Novel. If they are straightforward enough, I go with Novel. If they could be easily explained, but also make an appealing GN, then I decide later.

If I wasn't in school, I would work on more than one of each at a time. But as it stands, I work on one GN and one novel at a time. My current novel is finished in its first draft and needs revisiting. The GN is Collide, which is going online as I update. As you know.

And that's how it is.

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